Lecture 1 - Queueing Systems, System Performance Measures
Lecture 2 - Characteristics of Queueing Systems, Kendall's Notation
Lecture 3 - Little's Law, General Relationships
Lecture 4 - Laplace and Laplace-Stieltjes Transforms, Probability Generating Functions
Lecture 5 - An Overview of Stochastic Processes
Lecture 6 - Markov Chains: Definition, Transition Probabilities
Lecture 7 - Classification Properties of Markov Chains
Lecture 8 - Long-Term Behaviour of Markov Chains
Lecture 9 - Exponential Distribution and its Properties, Poisson Process
Lecture 10 - Poisson Process and its Properties, Generalizations
Lecture 11 - Continuous-Time Markov Chains, Generator Matrix, Kolmogorov Equations
Lecture 12 - Stationary and Limiting Distributions of CTMC, Balance Equations, Birth-Death Processes
Lecture 13 - Birth-Death Queues: General Theory, M/M/1 Queues and their Steady State Solution
Lecture 14 - M/M/1 Queues: Performance Measures, PASTA Property, Waiting Time Distributions
Lecture 15 - M/M/c Queues, Erlang Delay Formula
Lecture 16 - M/M/c/K Queues
Lecture 17 - Erlang's Loss System, Erlang Loss Formula, Infinite-Server Queues
Lecture 18 - Finite-Source Queues, Engset Loss System, State-Dependent Queues, Queues with Impatience
Lecture 19 - Transient Solutions: M/M/1/1, Infinite-Server and M/M/1 Queues, Busy Period Analysis
Lecture 20 - Queues with Bulk Arrivals
Lecture 21 - Queues with Bulk Service
Lecture 22 - Erlang and Phase-Type Distributions
Lecture 23 - Erlangian Queues: Erlangian Arrivals, Erlangian Service Times
Lecture 24 - Nonpreemptive Priority Queues
Lecture 25 - Nonpreemptive and Preemptive Priority Queues
Lecture 26 - M/M/1 Retrial Queues
Lecture 27 - Discrete-Time Queues: Geo/Geo/1 (EAS), Geo/Geo/1 (LAS)
Lecture 28 - Introduction to Queueing Networks, Two-Node Network
Lecture 29 - Burke's Theorem, General Setup, Tandem Networks
Lecture 30 - Queueing Networks with Blocking, Open Jackson Networks
Lecture 31 - Waiting Times and Multiple Classes in Open Jackson Networks
Lecture 32 - Closed Jackson Networks
Lecture 33 - Closed Jackson Networks, Convolution Algorithm
Lecture 34 - Mean-Value Analysis Algorithm
Lecture 35 - Cyclic Queueing Networks, Extensions of Jackson Networks
Lecture 36 - Renewal Processes
Lecture 37 - Regenerative Processes, Semi-Markov Processes
Lecture 38 - M/G/1 Queues, The Pollaczek-Khinchin Mean Formula
Lecture 39 - M/G/1 Queues, The Pollaczek-Khinchin Transform Formula
Lecture 40 - M/G/1 Queues: Waiting Times and Busy Period
Lecture 41 - M/G/1/K Queues, Additional Insights on M/G/1 Queues
Lecture 42 - M/G/c, M/G/∞ and M/G/c/c Queues
Lecture 43 - G/M/1 Queues
Lecture 44 - G/G/1 Queues: Lindley's Integral Equation
Lecture 45 - G/G/1 Queues: Bounds
Lecture 46 - Vacation Queues: Introduction, M/M/1 Queues with Vacations
Lecture 47 - M/G/1 Queues with Vacations
Lecture 1 - Queueing Systems, System Performance Measures
Lecture 2 - Characteristics of Queueing Systems, Kendall's Notation
Lecture 3 - Little's Law, General Relationships
Lecture 4 - Laplace and Laplace-Stieltjes Transforms, Probability Generating Functions
Lecture 5 - An Overview of Stochastic Processes
Lecture 6 - Markov Chains: Definition, Transition Probabilities
Lecture 7 - Classification Properties of Markov Chains
Lecture 8 - Long-Term Behaviour of Markov Chains
Lecture 9 - Exponential Distribution and its Properties, Poisson Process
Lecture 10 - Poisson Process and its Properties, Generalizations
Lecture 11 - Continuous-Time Markov Chains, Generator Matrix, Kolmogorov Equations
Lecture 12 - Stationary and Limiting Distributions of CTMC, Balance Equations, Birth-Death Processes
Lecture 13 - Birth-Death Queues: General Theory, M/M/1 Queues and their Steady State Solution
Lecture 14 - M/M/1 Queues: Performance Measures, PASTA Property, Waiting Time Distributions
Lecture 15 - M/M/c Queues, Erlang Delay Formula
Lecture 16 - M/M/c/K Queues
Lecture 17 - Erlang's Loss System, Erlang Loss Formula, Infinite-Server Queues
Lecture 18 - Finite-Source Queues, Engset Loss System, State-Dependent Queues, Queues with Impatience
Lecture 19 - Transient Solutions: M/M/1/1, Infinite-Server and M/M/1 Queues, Busy Period Analysis
Lecture 20 - Queues with Bulk Arrivals
Lecture 21 - Queues with Bulk Service
Lecture 22 - Erlang and Phase-Type Distributions
Lecture 23 - Erlangian Queues: Erlangian Arrivals, Erlangian Service Times
Lecture 24 - Nonpreemptive Priority Queues
Lecture 25 - Nonpreemptive and Preemptive Priority Queues
Lecture 26 - M/M/1 Retrial Queues
Lecture 27 - Discrete-Time Queues: Geo/Geo/1 (EAS), Geo/Geo/1 (LAS)
Lecture 28 - Introduction to Queueing Networks, Two-Node Network
Lecture 29 - Burke's Theorem, General Setup, Tandem Networks
Lecture 30 - Queueing Networks with Blocking, Open Jackson Networks
Lecture 31 - Waiting Times and Multiple Classes in Open Jackson Networks
Lecture 32 - Closed Jackson Networks
Lecture 33 - Closed Jackson Networks, Convolution Algorithm
Lecture 34 - Mean-Value Analysis Algorithm
Lecture 35 - Cyclic Queueing Networks, Extensions of Jackson Networks
Lecture 36 - Renewal Processes
Lecture 37 - Regenerative Processes, Semi-Markov Processes
Lecture 38 - M/G/1 Queues, The Pollaczek-Khinchin Mean Formula
Lecture 39 - M/G/1 Queues, The Pollaczek-Khinchin Transform Formula
Lecture 40 - M/G/1 Queues: Waiting Times and Busy Period
Lecture 41 - M/G/1/K Queues, Additional Insights on M/G/1 Queues
Lecture 42 - M/G/c, M/G/∞ and M/G/c/c Queues
Lecture 43 - G/M/1 Queues
Lecture 44 - G/G/1 Queues: Lindley's Integral Equation
Lecture 45 - G/G/1 Queues: Bounds
Lecture 46 - Vacation Queues: Introduction, M/M/1 Queues with Vacations
Lecture 47 - M/G/1 Queues with Vacations
Lecture 28 - Introduction to Queueing Networks, Two-Node Network