Lecture 1 - The Social History of Sanskrit and the Origin of KÄvya
Lecture 2 - The RÄmÄyaṇa and Sanskrit Literary Theory
Lecture 3 - The Genesis and Evolution of Sanskrit Literary Theory
Lecture 4 - The Actual Relation Between KÄvyaÅ›Ästra or KÄvya
Lecture 5 - Sanskrit KÄvyaÅ›Ästra in the Medieval Period
Lecture 6 - Sanskrit Literary Theoreticians - Early Period
Lecture 7 - Sanskrit Literary Theoreticians - Medieval Period A
Lecture 8 - Sanskrit Literary Theoreticians - Medieval Period B
Lecture 9 - Sanskrit Literary Theory in the Colonial Period
Lecture 10 - Sanskrit poetics in the Postcolonial Phase
Lecture 11 - Reader in Sanskritic kÄvya tradition
Lecture 12 - Who is the ideal spectator for nÄá¹ya?
Lecture 13 - Daśarūpaka: Ten dramatic forms - Part I
Lecture 14 - Daśarūpaka: Ten dramatic forms - Part II
Lecture 15 - Uparūpakas
Lecture 16 - KÄvya and the Three Languages
Lecture 17 - KÄvyasvarÅ«pa or the Ontology of Poetry
Lecture 18 - Bharata and the Idea of Rasa
Lecture 19 - The Beginning of Rasa Discourse in Literary Theory
Lecture 20 - Rasa Theory and Ānandavardhana
Lecture 21 - Rasa Theory and Bhaá¹á¹ Lollaá¹a
Lecture 22 - Rasa Theory and Åšri Åšaá¹…kuka
Lecture 23 - Rasa Theory and Bhaá¹á¹a Tauta
Lecture 24 - Rasa Theory and Bhaá¹á¹a NÄyaka
Lecture 25 - Rasa Theory and Abhinavagupta
Lecture 26 - Rasa Theory, RÄmacandra and Guṇacandra
Lecture 27 - Rasa Theory and VidyÄdhara
Lecture 28 - The Theory of Alamkara
Lecture 29 - The Concept of Aucitya: An Introduction
Lecture 30 - The Concept of Aucitya and Ká¹£emendra
Lecture 31 - Two Ways of Implementing Aucitya - Part 1
Lecture 32 - Two Ways of Implementing Aucitya - Part 2
Lecture 33 - Aucitya and Kaviśikṣa
Lecture 34 - Aucitya and the Readers
Lecture 35 - Aucitya and the Opinion of Literary Theoreticians
Lecture 36 - Aucitya and Ānandavardhana
Lecture 37 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Bharata and Bhamaha
Lecture 38 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Daṇá¸in and Udbhaá¹a
Lecture 39 - Guna or Poetic Merit: VÄman's Contribution
Lecture 40 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Ä€nandavardhana, NamidÄshu and PratihÄrenduraja
Lecture 41 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Bhoja
Lecture 42 - Guna or Poetic Merit: ViÅ›veÅ›vara and the author of AgnipurÄṇa
Lecture 43 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Mammaá¹'s View
Lecture 44 - RÄ«ti or the Theory of Poetic Styles
Lecture 45 - Theory of Dosa or Poetic Blemish: Bharat's View
Lecture 46 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: BhÄmah's View
Lecture 47 - Theory of Doṣa or Poetic Blemish: Daṇdin’s View
Lecture 48 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: VÄman's View
Lecture 49 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: Ä€nandavardhana and Mammaá¹'s Views
Lecture 50 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: Mammaá¹'s View II
Lecture 51 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: Ä€nandavardhana and Mammaá¹'s View III
Lecture 52 - Vakrokti: An Introduction
Lecture 53 - Vakrokti: Pada-pÅ«rvÄrtha-vakrata - I
Lecture 54 - Vakrokti: Pada-pÅ«rvÄrtha-vakrata - II
Lecture 55 - Vakrokti: Pada-pÅ«rvÄrtha-vakrata - III
Lecture 56 - Vakrokti: PadaparÄrddha vakratÄ
Lecture 57 - Vakrokti: VÄkya-vakratÄ
Lecture 58 - Vakrokti: Prakaraṇa-vakratÄ
Lecture 59 - Vakrokti: Prabandha vakratÄ
Lecture 60 - Dhvani: Avivaká¹£ita-vÄcya
Lecture 61 - Vivaká¹£itÄnya-paravÄcya
Lecture 1 - The Social History of Sanskrit and the Origin of KÄvya
Lecture 2 - The RÄmÄyaṇa and Sanskrit Literary Theory
Lecture 3 - The Genesis and Evolution of Sanskrit Literary Theory
Lecture 4 - The Actual Relation Between KÄvyaÅ›Ästra or KÄvya
Lecture 5 - Sanskrit KÄvyaÅ›Ästra in the Medieval Period
Lecture 6 - Sanskrit Literary Theoreticians - Early Period
Lecture 7 - Sanskrit Literary Theoreticians - Medieval Period A
Lecture 8 - Sanskrit Literary Theoreticians - Medieval Period B
Lecture 9 - Sanskrit Literary Theory in the Colonial Period
Lecture 10 - Sanskrit poetics in the Postcolonial Phase
Lecture 11 - Reader in Sanskritic kÄvya tradition
Lecture 12 - Who is the ideal spectator for nÄá¹ya?
Lecture 13 - Daśarūpaka: Ten dramatic forms - Part I
Lecture 14 - Daśarūpaka: Ten dramatic forms - Part II
Lecture 15 - Uparūpakas
Lecture 16 - KÄvya and the Three Languages
Lecture 17 - KÄvyasvarÅ«pa or the Ontology of Poetry
Lecture 18 - Bharata and the Idea of Rasa
Lecture 19 - The Beginning of Rasa Discourse in Literary Theory
Lecture 20 - Rasa Theory and Ānandavardhana
Lecture 21 - Rasa Theory and Bhaá¹á¹ Lollaá¹a
Lecture 22 - Rasa Theory and Åšri Åšaá¹…kuka
Lecture 23 - Rasa Theory and Bhaá¹á¹a Tauta
Lecture 24 - Rasa Theory and Bhaá¹á¹a NÄyaka
Lecture 25 - Rasa Theory and Abhinavagupta
Lecture 26 - Rasa Theory, RÄmacandra and Guṇacandra
Lecture 27 - Rasa Theory and VidyÄdhara
Lecture 28 - The Theory of Alamkara
Lecture 29 - The Concept of Aucitya: An Introduction
Lecture 30 - The Concept of Aucitya and Ká¹£emendra
Lecture 31 - Two Ways of Implementing Aucitya - Part 1
Lecture 32 - Two Ways of Implementing Aucitya - Part 2
Lecture 33 - Aucitya and Kaviśikṣa
Lecture 34 - Aucitya and the Readers
Lecture 35 - Aucitya and the Opinion of Literary Theoreticians
Lecture 36 - Aucitya and Ānandavardhana
Lecture 37 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Bharata and Bhamaha
Lecture 38 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Daṇá¸in and Udbhaá¹a
Lecture 39 - Guna or Poetic Merit: VÄman's Contribution
Lecture 40 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Ä€nandavardhana, NamidÄshu and PratihÄrenduraja
Lecture 41 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Bhoja
Lecture 42 - Guna or Poetic Merit: ViÅ›veÅ›vara and the author of AgnipurÄṇa
Lecture 43 - Guna or Poetic Merit: Mammaá¹'s View
Lecture 44 - RÄ«ti or the Theory of Poetic Styles
Lecture 45 - Theory of Dosa or Poetic Blemish: Bharat's View
Lecture 46 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: BhÄmah's View
Lecture 47 - Theory of Doṣa or Poetic Blemish: Daṇdin’s View
Lecture 48 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: VÄman's View
Lecture 49 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: Ä€nandavardhana and Mammaá¹'s Views
Lecture 50 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: Mammaá¹'s View II
Lecture 51 - Theory of Doá¹£a or Poetic Blemish: Ä€nandavardhana and Mammaá¹'s View III
Lecture 52 - Vakrokti: An Introduction
Lecture 53 - Vakrokti: Pada-pÅ«rvÄrtha-vakrata - I
Lecture 54 - Vakrokti: Pada-pÅ«rvÄrtha-vakrata - II
Lecture 55 - Vakrokti: Pada-pÅ«rvÄrtha-vakrata - III
Lecture 56 - Vakrokti: PadaparÄrddha vakratÄ
Lecture 57 - Vakrokti: VÄkya-vakratÄ
Lecture 58 - Vakrokti: Prakaraṇa-vakratÄ
Lecture 59 - Vakrokti: Prabandha vakratÄ
Lecture 60 - Dhvani: Avivaká¹£ita-vÄcya
Lecture 61 - Vivaká¹£itÄnya-paravÄcya
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:An Introduction to Indian Literary Theory
Lecture 28 - The Theory of Alamkara