Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Goals and Objectives
Lecture 3 - Fundamentals of the Course
Lecture 4 - Language and Linguistics
Lecture 5 - Aspects of Language
Lecture 6 - Language of Continuum
Lecture 7 - I-Language and E-Language
Lecture 8 - Language Acquisition
Lecture 9 - Learning and Acquisition
Lecture 10 - Structure of Language (Sounds)
Lecture 11 - Vocal Apparatus and Salient Features of Sounds
Lecture 12 - Places and Manners of Articulations of Sounds
Lecture 13 - Phonotactic Rules and Word Formation
Lecture 14 - Making of a Word: Rules and Constraints
Lecture 15 - What Makes a Sentence?
Lecture 16 - Components of a Sentence
Lecture 17 - Grammaticality vs Acceptability
Lecture 18 - Subject and Predicate
Lecture 19 - Verb and Object
Lecture 20 - Phrase Structure
Lecture 21 - X Bar Theory
Lecture 22 - Specifier and Complement
Lecture 23 - Complements and Adjuncts
Lecture 24 - Components of a Verb Phrase
Lecture 25 - Categories and Selectional Restrictions on Verbs
Lecture 26 - Thematic Relations
Lecture 27 - Concept of Case in Natural Language
Lecture 28 - Morphological and Abstract Case
Lecture 29 - Structural Case
Lecture 30 - Exceptional Case Marking
Lecture 31 - Movement (Displacement of Constituents) in Natural Language
Lecture 32 - Motivation for Movement of Language Constituents
Lecture 33 - Movement of Constituents in Interrogative Sentences
Lecture 34 - Displacement of Noun Phrases in Passive Constructions
Lecture 35 - NP Movement and Raising of Constituents
Lecture 36 - Noun Phrase Interpretations in Binding Theory
Lecture 37 - Principles of Binding Theory
Lecture 38 - Constraints on Displacement of Constituents
Lecture 39 - Negation in the Structure of Language
Lecture 40 - Negation and Negative Polarity Items in Natural Language
Lecture 41 - Understanding Cognition and Pragmatics in the Structure of Language
Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Goals and Objectives
Lecture 3 - Fundamentals of the Course
Lecture 4 - Language and Linguistics
Lecture 5 - Aspects of Language
Lecture 6 - Language of Continuum
Lecture 7 - I-Language and E-Language
Lecture 8 - Language Acquisition
Lecture 9 - Learning and Acquisition
Lecture 10 - Structure of Language (Sounds)
Lecture 11 - Vocal Apparatus and Salient Features of Sounds
Lecture 12 - Places and Manners of Articulations of Sounds
Lecture 13 - Phonotactic Rules and Word Formation
Lecture 14 - Making of a Word: Rules and Constraints
Lecture 15 - What Makes a Sentence?
Lecture 16 - Components of a Sentence
Lecture 17 - Grammaticality vs Acceptability
Lecture 18 - Subject and Predicate
Lecture 19 - Verb and Object
Lecture 20 - Phrase Structure
Lecture 21 - X Bar Theory
Lecture 22 - Specifier and Complement
Lecture 23 - Complements and Adjuncts
Lecture 24 - Components of a Verb Phrase
Lecture 25 - Categories and Selectional Restrictions on Verbs
Lecture 26 - Thematic Relations
Lecture 27 - Concept of Case in Natural Language
Lecture 28 - Morphological and Abstract Case
Lecture 29 - Structural Case
Lecture 30 - Exceptional Case Marking
Lecture 31 - Movement (Displacement of Constituents) in Natural Language
Lecture 32 - Motivation for Movement of Language Constituents
Lecture 33 - Movement of Constituents in Interrogative Sentences
Lecture 34 - Displacement of Noun Phrases in Passive Constructions
Lecture 35 - NP Movement and Raising of Constituents
Lecture 36 - Noun Phrase Interpretations in Binding Theory
Lecture 37 - Principles of Binding Theory
Lecture 38 - Constraints on Displacement of Constituents
Lecture 39 - Negation in the Structure of Language
Lecture 40 - Negation and Negative Polarity Items in Natural Language
Lecture 41 - Understanding Cognition and Pragmatics in the Structure of Language
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Basics of Language Science
Lecture 10 - Structure of Language (Sounds)