Lecture 1 - On Language - What is language
Lecture 2 - On Language - How do we learn language
Lecture 3 - On Language - Learning language
Lecture 4 - On Language - Acquiring language
Lecture 5 - On Language - Language evolution
Lecture 6 - Language in Mind - Language and language learning
Lecture 7 - Language in Mind - Language in mind
Lecture 8 - Language in Mind - Grammar
Lecture 9 - Language in Mind - Language and human mind
Lecture 10 - Language in Mind - Mechanism of sound production
Lecture 11 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Consonants
Lecture 12 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Features of sounds
Lecture 13 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Words
Lecture 14 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Words II
Lecture 15 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Words III
Lecture 16 - Words and Sentences - Words IV
Lecture 17 - Words and Sentences - Words V
Lecture 18 - Words and Sentences - Structure of a sentence
Lecture 19 - Words and Sentences - Nature of sentences and phrases
Lecture 20 - Words and Sentences - Syntax
Lecture 21 - Grammar - Structure of sentence (agreement)
Lecture 22 - Grammar - Sentence (categories and phrase)
Lecture 23 - Grammar - Sentence (phrase structure)
Lecture 24 - Grammar - Sentence (X bar and IP)
Lecture 25 - Grammar - Sentence (inflectional phrase)
Lecture 26 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (compliment and adjunct)
Lecture 27 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (restrictions)
Lecture 28 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (semantic relations)
Lecture 29 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (case)
Lecture 30 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (movement)
Lecture 31 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - CP and displacement
Lecture 32 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (CP in subject and object position)
Lecture 33 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (passivization and NP movement)
Lecture 34 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (referential expressions)
Lecture 35 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (binding)
Lecture 36 - Language and Cognition - Sentence Dependencies: Compound verbs and negation
Lecture 37 - Language and Cognition - Language and cognition
Lecture 38 - Language and Cognition - Language, cognition and computers
Lecture 39 - Language and Cognition - Language and computers: resolving ambiguity
Lecture 40 - Language and Cognition - Language and mind: a summary
Lecture 1 - On Language - What is language
Lecture 2 - On Language - How do we learn language
Lecture 3 - On Language - Learning language
Lecture 4 - On Language - Acquiring language
Lecture 5 - On Language - Language evolution
Lecture 6 - Language in Mind - Language and language learning
Lecture 7 - Language in Mind - Language in mind
Lecture 8 - Language in Mind - Grammar
Lecture 9 - Language in Mind - Language and human mind
Lecture 10 - Language in Mind - Mechanism of sound production
Lecture 11 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Consonants
Lecture 12 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Features of sounds
Lecture 13 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Words
Lecture 14 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Words II
Lecture 15 - Patterns in Sounds and Words - Words III
Lecture 16 - Words and Sentences - Words IV
Lecture 17 - Words and Sentences - Words V
Lecture 18 - Words and Sentences - Structure of a sentence
Lecture 19 - Words and Sentences - Nature of sentences and phrases
Lecture 20 - Words and Sentences - Syntax
Lecture 21 - Grammar - Structure of sentence (agreement)
Lecture 22 - Grammar - Sentence (categories and phrase)
Lecture 23 - Grammar - Sentence (phrase structure)
Lecture 24 - Grammar - Sentence (X bar and IP)
Lecture 25 - Grammar - Sentence (inflectional phrase)
Lecture 26 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (compliment and adjunct)
Lecture 27 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (restrictions)
Lecture 28 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (semantic relations)
Lecture 29 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (case)
Lecture 30 - Advanced Grammar - Sentence (movement)
Lecture 31 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - CP and displacement
Lecture 32 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (CP in subject and object position)
Lecture 33 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (passivization and NP movement)
Lecture 34 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (referential expressions)
Lecture 35 - Levels of Representation and Principles of Grammar - Sentence (binding)
Lecture 36 - Language and Cognition - Sentence Dependencies: Compound verbs and negation
Lecture 37 - Language and Cognition - Language and cognition
Lecture 38 - Language and Cognition - Language, cognition and computers
Lecture 39 - Language and Cognition - Language and computers: resolving ambiguity
Lecture 40 - Language and Cognition - Language and mind: a summary
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Language and Mind
Lecture 37 - Language and Cognition - Language and cognition