Lecture 1 - Links of Health and Education Achievements to Human Development
Lecture 2 - Health and Education: Human Capital or Human Right?
Lecture 3 - Unique Aspects of Health Economics
Lecture 4 - Perfect Competition and Healthcare Markets
Lecture 5 - Demand for Health-1 (Grossman model)
Lecture 6 - Demand for Health-2 (Is demand for health downward sloping)
Lecture 7 - Demand for Health-3 (Comparative statics)
Lecture 8 - Demand for Health-4 (Health disparities and hypothesis)
Lecture 9 - Economics of Healthcare: Supply side
Lecture 10 - Demand for Insurance
Lecture 11 - Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
Lecture 12 - Demand for Education
Lecture 13 - A Basic Model of Human Capital Investment and A Few Influential Thinkers
Lecture 14 - Production of Education and Returns to Education - based on global data
Lecture 15 - Fiscal functions of budget policy and the concept of public food
Lecture 16 - Public goods, private goods, merit goods; Market failures and corrections
Lecture 17 - Is higher education a public good, a quasi-public good or a merit good?
Lecture 18 - Inequalities of Outcomes and Opportunities
Lecture 19 - Equity in Healthcare
Lecture 20 - Education Inequalities in Developing Countries and India
Lecture 21 - India's Health Policy
Lecture 22 - India's Education Policy
Lecture 23 - Right to Health and Universal Health Care - The Indian Context
Lecture 24 - Global Disease Burdens
Lecture 25 - How ASER is addressing the problem of Learning Crisis in India
Lecture 26 - The PROBE reports - Public Report on Basic Education
Lecture 27 - Indian Morbidity and Mortality surveys
Lecture 28 - Indian Official Statistics on school education and higher education
Lecture 29 - Health financing
Lecture 30 - Education financing
Lecture 31 - Health Workforce
Lecture 32 - Women in India's Labour Market
Lecture 33 - Summary and Conclusions
Lecture 1 - Links of Health and Education Achievements to Human Development
Lecture 2 - Health and Education: Human Capital or Human Right?
Lecture 3 - Unique Aspects of Health Economics
Lecture 4 - Perfect Competition and Healthcare Markets
Lecture 5 - Demand for Health-1 (Grossman model)
Lecture 6 - Demand for Health-2 (Is demand for health downward sloping)
Lecture 7 - Demand for Health-3 (Comparative statics)
Lecture 8 - Demand for Health-4 (Health disparities and hypothesis)
Lecture 9 - Economics of Healthcare: Supply side
Lecture 10 - Demand for Insurance
Lecture 11 - Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
Lecture 12 - Demand for Education
Lecture 13 - A Basic Model of Human Capital Investment and A Few Influential Thinkers
Lecture 14 - Production of Education and Returns to Education - based on global data
Lecture 15 - Fiscal functions of budget policy and the concept of public food
Lecture 16 - Public goods, private goods, merit goods; Market failures and corrections
Lecture 17 - Is higher education a public good, a quasi-public good or a merit good?
Lecture 18 - Inequalities of Outcomes and Opportunities
Lecture 19 - Equity in Healthcare
Lecture 20 - Education Inequalities in Developing Countries and India
Lecture 21 - India's Health Policy
Lecture 22 - India's Education Policy
Lecture 23 - Right to Health and Universal Health Care - The Indian Context
Lecture 24 - Global Disease Burdens
Lecture 25 - How ASER is addressing the problem of Learning Crisis in India
Lecture 26 - The PROBE reports - Public Report on Basic Education
Lecture 27 - Indian Morbidity and Mortality surveys
Lecture 28 - Indian Official Statistics on school education and higher education
Lecture 29 - Health financing
Lecture 30 - Education financing
Lecture 31 - Health Workforce
Lecture 32 - Women in India's Labour Market
Lecture 33 - Summary and Conclusions
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Economics of Health and Education
Lecture 10 - Demand for Insurance