Lecture 1 - Introduction to Systems and Control
Lecture 2 - Modelling of Systems
Lecture 3 - Elements of Modelling
Lecture 4 - Examples of Modelling
Lecture 5 - Solving Problems in Modelling of Systems
Lecture 6 - Laplace Transforms
Lecture 7 - Inverse Laplace Transforms
Lecture 8 - Transfer Function of Modelling Block Diagram Representation
Lecture 9 - Solving Problems on Laplace Transforms and Transfer Functions
Lecture 10 - Block Diagram Reduction, Signal Flow Graphs
Lecture 11 - Solving Problems on Block Diagram Reduction, Signal Flow Graphs
Lecture 12 - Time Response Analyzsis of systems
Lecture 13 - Time Response specifications
Lecture 14 - Solving Problems on Time Response Analyzsis ans specifications
Lecture 15 - Stability
Lecture 16 - Routh Hurwitz Criterion
Lecture 17 - Routh Hurwitz Criterion T 1
Lecture 18 - Closed loop System and Stability
Lecture 19 - Root Locus Technique
Lecture 20 - Root Locus Plots
Lecture 21 - Root Locus Plots (Continued...)
Lecture 22 - Root Locus Plots (Continued...)
Lecture 23 - Root Locus Plots (Continued...)
Lecture 24 - Introduction to Frequency Response
Lecture 25 - Frequency Response Plots
Lecture 26 - Relative Stability
Lecture 27 - Bode plots
Lecture 28 - Basics of Control design Proportional, Integral and Derivative Actions
Lecture 29 - Basics of Control design Proportional, Integral and Derivative Actions
Lecture 30 - Problems on PID Controllers
Lecture 31 - Basics of Control design Proportional, Integral and Derivative Actions
Lecture 32 - Control design in time domain and discusses the lead compensator
Lecture 33 - Improvement of the Transient Response using lead compensation
Lecture 34 - Design of control using lag compensators
Lecture 35 - The design of Lead-Lag compensators using root locus
Lecture 36 - Introduction design of control in frequency domain
Lecture 37 - Design of Lead Compensator using Bode Plots
Lecture 38 - Design of Lag Compensators using Bode Plots
Lecture 39 - Design of Lead-Lag Compensators using Bode plots
Lecture 40 - Experimental Determination of Transfer Function
Lecture 41 - Effect of Zeros on System Response
Lecture 42 - Navigation - Stories and Some Basics
Lecture 43 - Navigation - Dead Reckoning and Reference Frames
Lecture 44 - Inertial Sensors and Their Characteristics
Lecture 45 - Filter Design to Attentuate Inertial Sensor Noise
Lecture 46 - Complementary Filter
Lecture 47 - Complementary Filter - 1
Lecture 48 - Introduction to State Space Systems
Lecture 49 - Linearization of State Space Dynamics
Lecture 50 - Linearization of State Space Dynamics - 1
Lecture 51 - Controllability and Observability
Lecture 52 - State Space Canonical Forms
Lecture 53 - State Space Solution and Matrix Exponential
Lecture 54 - Controllability and Pole Placement
Lecture 55 - Controllable Decomposition and Observability
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Control Engineering
Lecture 34 - Design of control using lag compensators