Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Passive Circuit Elements: R, L and C
Lecture 3 - Resistor color coding, Surface mount capacitors and inductors on PCBs
Lecture 4 - Active Circuit Elements: MOSFET, BJTs
Lecture 5 - Network Analysis: Kirchoff's Laws
Lecture 6 - Network Theorems: Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power Transfer etc
Lecture 7 - Circuit Simulations using SPICE : Operating point analysis
Lecture 8 - DC Simulations and Importing Third-Party Models
Lecture 9 - Small-Signal Simulations, Transient Simulations
Lecture 10 - PCB Substrate and layers
Lecture 11 - Interconnect design
Lecture 12 - CMOS inverter basics
Lecture 13 - CMOS inverter design
Lecture 14 - Combinational Circuit Design - Part 1
Lecture 15 - Combinational Circuit Design - Part 2
Lecture 16 - Dynamic Logic Circuit Design
Lecture 17 - Sequential Logic Circuit Design
Lecture 18 - Digital Design : Boolean Algebra
Lecture 19 - Logic Families, Component Datasheets
Lecture 20 - TTL/CMOS logic Interfacing Constraints
Lecture 21 - Hardware Description Languages : VHDL and Verilog
Lecture 22 - Introduction to Verilog Simulations Software
Lecture 23 - Combinational Circuit Simulation using iVerilog
Lecture 24 - Adders, Multiplexer Simulation using iVerilog
Lecture 25 - High-Speed PCBs
Lecture 26 - Signal Integrity in PCBs
Lecture 27 - Signal Cross-Talk, Skews and Jitter in PCBs
Lecture 28 - KiCad Software Workflow
Lecture 29 - KiCad Design Modules
Lecture 30 - KiCad Schematic Design Steps
Lecture 31 - KiCad PCB Design Steps
Lecture 32 - KiCad Custom Symbol and Footprints Creation
Lecture 33 - KiCad Example : PCB design using OpAmp IC
Lecture 34 - KiCad Example : PCB design using 555 Timer IC
Lecture 35 - RF PCB Design Guidelines
Lecture 36 - RF PCB Example
Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Passive Circuit Elements: R, L and C
Lecture 3 - Resistor color coding, Surface mount capacitors and inductors on PCBs
Lecture 4 - Active Circuit Elements: MOSFET, BJTs
Lecture 5 - Network Analysis: Kirchoff's Laws
Lecture 6 - Network Theorems: Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power Transfer etc
Lecture 7 - Circuit Simulations using SPICE : Operating point analysis
Lecture 8 - DC Simulations and Importing Third-Party Models
Lecture 9 - Small-Signal Simulations, Transient Simulations
Lecture 10 - PCB Substrate and layers
Lecture 11 - Interconnect design
Lecture 12 - CMOS inverter basics
Lecture 13 - CMOS inverter design
Lecture 14 - Combinational Circuit Design - Part 1
Lecture 15 - Combinational Circuit Design - Part 2
Lecture 16 - Dynamic Logic Circuit Design
Lecture 17 - Sequential Logic Circuit Design
Lecture 18 - Digital Design : Boolean Algebra
Lecture 19 - Logic Families, Component Datasheets
Lecture 20 - TTL/CMOS logic Interfacing Constraints
Lecture 21 - Hardware Description Languages : VHDL and Verilog
Lecture 22 - Introduction to Verilog Simulations Software
Lecture 23 - Combinational Circuit Simulation using iVerilog
Lecture 24 - Adders, Multiplexer Simulation using iVerilog
Lecture 25 - High-Speed PCBs
Lecture 26 - Signal Integrity in PCBs
Lecture 27 - Signal Cross-Talk, Skews and Jitter in PCBs
Lecture 28 - KiCad Software Workflow
Lecture 29 - KiCad Design Modules
Lecture 30 - KiCad Schematic Design Steps
Lecture 31 - KiCad PCB Design Steps
Lecture 32 - KiCad Custom Symbol and Footprints Creation
Lecture 33 - KiCad Example : PCB design using OpAmp IC
Lecture 34 - KiCad Example : PCB design using 555 Timer IC
Lecture 35 - RF PCB Design Guidelines
Lecture 36 - RF PCB Example
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Electronic Systems Design: Hands-on Circuits and PCB Design with CAD Software
Lecture 6 - Network Theorems: Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power Transfer etc