Lecture 1 - Graph Theory: Introduction
Lecture 2 - Paths, Cycles and Trails
Lecture 3 - Eulerian Circuits, Vertex Degrees and Counting
Lecture 4 - The Chinese Postman Problem and Graphic Sequences
Lecture 5 - Trees and Distance
Lecture 6 - Spanning Trees and Enumeration
Lecture 7 - Matchings and Covers
Lecture 8 - Independent Sets, Covers and Maximum Bipartite Matching
Lecture 9 - Weighted Bipartite Matching
Lecture 10 - Stable Matchings and Faster Bipartite Matching
Lecture 11 - Factors and Perfect Matching in General Graphs
Lecture 12 - Matching in General Graphs: Edmonds’ Blossom Algorithm
Lecture 13 - Connectivity and Paths: Cuts and Connectivity
Lecture 14 - k-Connected Graphs
Lecture 15 - Network Flow Problems
Lecture 16 - Vertex Coloring and Upper Bounds
Lecture 17 - Brooks’ Theorem and Color-Critical Graphs
Lecture 18 - Counting Proper Colorings
Lecture 19 - Planar Graphs
Lecture 20 - Characterization of Planar Graphs
Lecture 21 - Line Graphs and Edge-coloring
Lecture 22 - Hamiltonian Graph, Traveling Salesman Problem and NP-Completeness
Lecture 23 - Connected Dominating Set and Distributed Algorithm
Lecture 1 - Graph Theory: Introduction
Lecture 2 - Paths, Cycles and Trails
Lecture 3 - Eulerian Circuits, Vertex Degrees and Counting
Lecture 4 - The Chinese Postman Problem and Graphic Sequences
Lecture 5 - Trees and Distance
Lecture 6 - Spanning Trees and Enumeration
Lecture 7 - Matchings and Covers
Lecture 8 - Independent Sets, Covers and Maximum Bipartite Matching
Lecture 9 - Weighted Bipartite Matching
Lecture 10 - Stable Matchings and Faster Bipartite Matching
Lecture 11 - Factors and Perfect Matching in General Graphs
Lecture 12 - Matching in General Graphs: Edmonds’ Blossom Algorithm
Lecture 13 - Connectivity and Paths: Cuts and Connectivity
Lecture 14 - k-Connected Graphs
Lecture 15 - Network Flow Problems
Lecture 16 - Vertex Coloring and Upper Bounds
Lecture 17 - Brooks’ Theorem and Color-Critical Graphs
Lecture 18 - Counting Proper Colorings
Lecture 19 - Planar Graphs
Lecture 20 - Characterization of Planar Graphs
Lecture 21 - Line Graphs and Edge-coloring
Lecture 22 - Hamiltonian Graph, Traveling Salesman Problem and NP-Completeness
Lecture 23 - Connected Dominating Set and Distributed Algorithm
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Advanced Graph Theory
Lecture 23 - Connected Dominating Set and Distributed Algorithm