Lecture 1 - Equations of motion using Hamiltons principle
Lecture 2 - Equations of motion for continuous systems and Rayleighs quotient
Lecture 3 - Rayleigh Ritz method and method of weighted residuals
Lecture 4 - FEM: motivations. Analysis of axially vibrating rods and Euler-Bernoulli beams
Lecture 5 - Beam elements. Reference systm. Assembly of matrices. Imposition of BCS. Final equation of motion
Lecture 6 - FE modelling of planar structures
Lecture 7 - FE modelling of planar structures (Continued...)
Lecture 8 - FRF-s and damping models-1
Lecture 9 - FRF-s and damping models-2
Lecture 10 - Material damping models. Dynamic stiffness and transfer matrices
Lecture 11 - Twisting of circular bars and rectangular bars. Analysis of grids
Lecture 12 - 3D frames
Lecture 13 - Mathematical preliminaries and terminologies; Eulers forward and backward difference methods
Lecture 14 - Forward and backward Euler method. Central difference method
Lecture 15 - Second order implicit methods
Lecture 16 - Energy conservation. Nonlinear systems
Lecture 17 - Model reduction schemes
Lecture 18 - Substructuring schemes
Lecture 19 - Plane stress models
Lecture 20 - Plane stress models (Continued...)
Lecture 21 - 3d Solid element
Lecture 22 - Axisymmetric models. Plate bending elements.
Lecture 23 - Plate bending elements (Continued...)
Lecture 24 - Plate bending elements (Continued...)
Lecture 25 - Plate bending elements (Continued...)
Lecture 26 - Introduction
Lecture 27 - Introduction (Continued...)
Lecture 28 - Nonlinear dynamical systems, fixed points and bifurcations
Lecture 29 - Energy methods in stability analysis
Lecture 30 - FEM for stability analysis. Euler-Bernoulli beam and general formulations
Lecture 31 - 3D beam element; plate element; imperfection sensitive structures; beams on elastic foundations; rings and arches
Lecture 32 - Dynamic analysis of stability and analysis of time varying systems
Lecture 33 - Dynamic analysis of stability and analysis of time varying systems
Lecture 34 - FE modelling of vehicle structure interactions
Lecture 35 - Inverse response sensitivity analysis
Lecture 36 - Inverse response sensitivity analysis (Continued...)
Lecture 37 - Introduction and review of continuum mechanics
Lecture 38 - Review of measures of strain and stress; balance laws
Lecture 39 - Total and updated Lagrangian formulations
Lecture 40 - Closure
Lecture 1 - Equations of motion using Hamiltons principle
Lecture 2 - Equations of motion for continuous systems and Rayleighs quotient
Lecture 3 - Rayleigh Ritz method and method of weighted residuals
Lecture 4 - FEM: motivations. Analysis of axially vibrating rods and Euler-Bernoulli beams
Lecture 5 - Beam elements. Reference systm. Assembly of matrices. Imposition of BCS. Final equation of motion
Lecture 6 - FE modelling of planar structures
Lecture 7 - FE modelling of planar structures (Continued...)
Lecture 8 - FRF-s and damping models-1
Lecture 9 - FRF-s and damping models-2
Lecture 10 - Material damping models. Dynamic stiffness and transfer matrices
Lecture 11 - Twisting of circular bars and rectangular bars. Analysis of grids
Lecture 12 - 3D frames
Lecture 13 - Mathematical preliminaries and terminologies; Eulers forward and backward difference methods
Lecture 14 - Forward and backward Euler method. Central difference method
Lecture 15 - Second order implicit methods
Lecture 16 - Energy conservation. Nonlinear systems
Lecture 17 - Model reduction schemes
Lecture 18 - Substructuring schemes
Lecture 19 - Plane stress models
Lecture 20 - Plane stress models (Continued...)
Lecture 21 - 3d Solid element
Lecture 22 - Axisymmetric models. Plate bending elements.
Lecture 23 - Plate bending elements (Continued...)
Lecture 24 - Plate bending elements (Continued...)
Lecture 25 - Plate bending elements (Continued...)
Lecture 26 - Introduction
Lecture 27 - Introduction (Continued...)
Lecture 28 - Nonlinear dynamical systems, fixed points and bifurcations
Lecture 29 - Energy methods in stability analysis
Lecture 30 - FEM for stability analysis. Euler-Bernoulli beam and general formulations
Lecture 31 - 3D beam element; plate element; imperfection sensitive structures; beams on elastic foundations; rings and arches
Lecture 32 - Dynamic analysis of stability and analysis of time varying systems
Lecture 33 - Dynamic analysis of stability and analysis of time varying systems
Lecture 34 - FE modelling of vehicle structure interactions
Lecture 35 - Inverse response sensitivity analysis
Lecture 36 - Inverse response sensitivity analysis (Continued...)
Lecture 37 - Introduction and review of continuum mechanics
Lecture 38 - Review of measures of strain and stress; balance laws
Lecture 39 - Total and updated Lagrangian formulations
Lecture 40 - Closure
NPTEL Video Course : Finite Element method for vibration and Stability analyses
Lecture 27 - Introduction (Continued...)