Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Shallow Foundations: General Requirements
Lecture 3 - Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity
Lecture 4 - Shallow Foundations: Settlement
Lecture 5 - Shallow Foundations: Numerical Examples
Lecture 6 - Combined Footings
Lecture 7 - Raft Foundations: General Requirements
Lecture 8 - Raft Foundations: Methods of Analysis
Lecture 9 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Eccentric and Inclined Loads, A New Method
Lecture 10 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Design Procedure and Example on a New Method
Lecture 11 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Analytical Approaches
Lecture 12 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Numerical on Analytical Approaches
Lecture 13 - Pile Foundations subjected to Static Vertical Load
Lecture 14 - Pile Foundations: Group Action of Piles and Numerical
Lecture 15 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Conventional and Elastic Methods
Lecture 16 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Elastic Method for Cohesionless Soils
Lecture 17 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Elastic Method for Cohesive Soils including degradation of modulus of subgrade reaction (k)
Lecture 18 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Numerical Examples
Lecture 19 - Dynamic Analysis of Piles under Vertical and Horizontal Vibrations
Lecture 20 - Dynamic Analysis of Piles under Horizontal Vibration: Continue with Numerical Example
Lecture 21 - Seismic Response of Pile Foundations - 1
Lecture 22 - Seismic Response of Pile Foundations - 2
Lecture 23 - Combined Pile-Raft Foundations (CPRF) - General
Lecture 24 - Geotechnical and Seismic Analyses of CPRF
Lecture 25 - Design of Piles in Liquefiable Soils - 1
Lecture 26 - Design of Piles in Liquefiable Soils - 2
Lecture 27 - Introduction to Well Foundations
Lecture 28 - Lateral Stability of Well Foundations
Lecture 29 - Lateral Stability, Construction and Sinking of Well Foundation
Lecture 30 - Titling and Shifting of Wells, Numerical Problems
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Soil-Structure Interaction
Lecture 32 - Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction
Lecture 33 - SGM and Wave Propagation
Lecture 34 - Dispersion, Attenuation of Waves and Damping
Lecture 35 - Ground Response Analysis (GRA)
Lecture 36 - Soil-Pile Interaction (SPI)
Lecture 37 - Raft Foundations – Numerical Examples
Lecture 38 - Foundations on Slopes - 1
Lecture 39 - Foundations on Slopes - 2
Lecture 40 - Codal Provisions
Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Shallow Foundations: General Requirements
Lecture 3 - Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity
Lecture 4 - Shallow Foundations: Settlement
Lecture 5 - Shallow Foundations: Numerical Examples
Lecture 6 - Combined Footings
Lecture 7 - Raft Foundations: General Requirements
Lecture 8 - Raft Foundations: Methods of Analysis
Lecture 9 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Eccentric and Inclined Loads, A New Method
Lecture 10 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Design Procedure and Example on a New Method
Lecture 11 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Analytical Approaches
Lecture 12 - Footings under Dynamic Loads: Numerical on Analytical Approaches
Lecture 13 - Pile Foundations subjected to Static Vertical Load
Lecture 14 - Pile Foundations: Group Action of Piles and Numerical
Lecture 15 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Conventional and Elastic Methods
Lecture 16 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Elastic Method for Cohesionless Soils
Lecture 17 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Elastic Method for Cohesive Soils including degradation of modulus of subgrade reaction (k)
Lecture 18 - Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads: Numerical Examples
Lecture 19 - Dynamic Analysis of Piles under Vertical and Horizontal Vibrations
Lecture 20 - Dynamic Analysis of Piles under Horizontal Vibration: Continue with Numerical Example
Lecture 21 - Seismic Response of Pile Foundations - 1
Lecture 22 - Seismic Response of Pile Foundations - 2
Lecture 23 - Combined Pile-Raft Foundations (CPRF) - General
Lecture 24 - Geotechnical and Seismic Analyses of CPRF
Lecture 25 - Design of Piles in Liquefiable Soils - 1
Lecture 26 - Design of Piles in Liquefiable Soils - 2
Lecture 27 - Introduction to Well Foundations
Lecture 28 - Lateral Stability of Well Foundations
Lecture 29 - Lateral Stability, Construction and Sinking of Well Foundation
Lecture 30 - Titling and Shifting of Wells, Numerical Problems
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Soil-Structure Interaction
Lecture 32 - Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction
Lecture 33 - SGM and Wave Propagation
Lecture 34 - Dispersion, Attenuation of Waves and Damping
Lecture 35 - Ground Response Analysis (GRA)
Lecture 36 - Soil-Pile Interaction (SPI)
Lecture 37 - Raft Foundations – Numerical Examples
Lecture 38 - Foundations on Slopes - 1
Lecture 39 - Foundations on Slopes - 2
Lecture 40 - Codal Provisions
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Earthquake Resistant Design of Foundations
Lecture 8 - Raft Foundations: Methods of Analysis