Lecture 1 - Introduction to Dynamic Stability
Lecture 2 - Spring-Mass-Damper System : Underdamped
Lecture 3 - Spring-Mass-Damper System : Over and Critically damped
Lecture 4 - Laplace Transform
Lecture 5 - Pitch Dynamics : 1 D
Lecture 6 - Numericals: Week - 1
Lecture 7 - Aircraft Rigid Body Equation of Motion
Lecture 8 - Six Degree of Freedom Equation of Motion
Lecture 9 - Vector in Rotating Frame
Lecture 10 - Forces and Moments on Aircraft
Lecture 11 - Euler Angles
Lecture 12 - Trajectory of the Aircraft
Lecture 13 - Small Perturbation Theory
Lecture 14 - Perturbed Aerodynamic Forces and Moments
Lecture 15 - U-derivatives
Lecture 16 - Alpha - derivatives
Lecture 17 - Alpha Dot Derivatives
Lecture 18 - q and delta Derivatives
Lecture 19 - Dimensional Stability Derivatives
Lecture 20 - Longitudinal Characteristic Equation
Lecture 21 - Routh's Criteria and Longitudinal Dynamic Stability
Lecture 22 - Longitudinal Modes: Short Period and Phugoid
Lecture 23 - Short period Mode Approximation
Lecture 24 - Long Period Mode (Phugoid) Approximation
Lecture 25 - Lateral Directional Stability Derivatives
Lecture 26 - Lateral Directional Stability Derivatives (Continued...)
Lecture 27 - Perturbed Equation of Motion for Lateral Dynamics
Lecture 28 - Modes of Lateral Directional Dynamics
Lecture 29 - Spiral and Dutch Roll modes Approximation
Lecture 30 - Routh–Hurwitz Stability Criterion
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Stability Augmentation
Lecture 32 - Pure Yawing and Pure Rolling Motion
Lecture 33 - SAS for Longitudinal Dynamics
Lecture 34 - SAS for Lateral Dynamics
Lecture 35 - Flight Handling Qualities
Lecture 36 - Numericals
Lecture 37 - Revision
Lecture 38 - Mode Shape : Longitudinal Case
Lecture 39 - Mode Shape : Lateral Directional Case
Lecture 40 - Numericals : Transfer Funtions and Response
Lecture 41 - Stability Augmentation System
Lecture 42 - Numericals : SAS
Lecture 43 - Numericals : Mode Shapes
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Dynamic Stability
Lecture 2 - Spring-Mass-Damper System : Underdamped
Lecture 3 - Spring-Mass-Damper System : Over and Critically damped
Lecture 4 - Laplace Transform
Lecture 5 - Pitch Dynamics : 1 D
Lecture 6 - Numericals: Week - 1
Lecture 7 - Aircraft Rigid Body Equation of Motion
Lecture 8 - Six Degree of Freedom Equation of Motion
Lecture 9 - Vector in Rotating Frame
Lecture 10 - Forces and Moments on Aircraft
Lecture 11 - Euler Angles
Lecture 12 - Trajectory of the Aircraft
Lecture 13 - Small Perturbation Theory
Lecture 14 - Perturbed Aerodynamic Forces and Moments
Lecture 15 - U-derivatives
Lecture 16 - Alpha - derivatives
Lecture 17 - Alpha Dot Derivatives
Lecture 18 - q and delta Derivatives
Lecture 19 - Dimensional Stability Derivatives
Lecture 20 - Longitudinal Characteristic Equation
Lecture 21 - Routh's Criteria and Longitudinal Dynamic Stability
Lecture 22 - Longitudinal Modes: Short Period and Phugoid
Lecture 23 - Short period Mode Approximation
Lecture 24 - Long Period Mode (Phugoid) Approximation
Lecture 25 - Lateral Directional Stability Derivatives
Lecture 26 - Lateral Directional Stability Derivatives (Continued...)
Lecture 27 - Perturbed Equation of Motion for Lateral Dynamics
Lecture 28 - Modes of Lateral Directional Dynamics
Lecture 29 - Spiral and Dutch Roll modes Approximation
Lecture 30 - Routh–Hurwitz Stability Criterion
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Stability Augmentation
Lecture 32 - Pure Yawing and Pure Rolling Motion
Lecture 33 - SAS for Longitudinal Dynamics
Lecture 34 - SAS for Lateral Dynamics
Lecture 35 - Flight Handling Qualities
Lecture 36 - Numericals
Lecture 37 - Revision
Lecture 38 - Mode Shape : Longitudinal Case
Lecture 39 - Mode Shape : Lateral Directional Case
Lecture 40 - Numericals : Transfer Funtions and Response
Lecture 41 - Stability Augmentation System
Lecture 42 - Numericals : SAS
Lecture 43 - Numericals : Mode Shapes
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Aircraft Dynamic Stability and Design Stability
Lecture 26 - Lateral Directional Stability Derivatives (Continued...)